Order Flow Indicator load with tick chart in Ninja Trader 8.

Step 1: How to open Order flow chart with tick chart in Ninja Trader.

>>Clieck on "Newmenu >> Select the chart

>>Write the symbol in "Instrument" >>Select Valyu >>Select Days to load >>Select Trading Hours >>Ok

>> Then open your Normal chart in Ninja Trader

Step 2 : Then Open a new Normal tick chart in Ninja Trader

>>Click on "New" menu >> Select the chart

>>Write the symbol in "Instrument" >>Select Valyu >>Select Days to load >>Select Trading Hours >>Ok

>> Then open your tick chart in Ninja Trader.

>> Then Right click on normal chart and select indicator

>> Then Select you order flow indicator and then click on Apply and ok button

>>Then open your indicator chart

>> then open your tick chart and right click on tick chart and select reload historical data

>> Tick Chart >> Right click on tick chart >> select historical data

>> Then automatically reload order flow chart and getting the perfect data


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