How to Connect Velocity to Multicharts / MultiCharts.NET

Step-1 > Recomended version 8.8.89

Install Multicharts


After Successful installation open Multicharts

When you open it for first time the below screen will appear

Now you can see below screen…click OK and go ahead…


Close any workspace which is already open..

Now Go To the File > New > QuoteManager Window…

In QuoteManager you can see all the default symbols…

Now Select All Symbols….and Delete All…

When you delete all symbols its take some time to delete….

Now All Symbols are deleted…


Go to the Tools >> Data Sources….

Check the eSignal plug-in is Active or Not…..

If Active then closes it…and we are ready to move ahead...


Go to the Instrument >> Add Symbol >> Manually

First Time in Add Symbols you will see all blanks…..

Now Set as shown below …and press OK...

Preferably, keep the Category as “Stocks” for all symbols.

The Edit Symbol window will open….Set as shown below..…

Go to the Settings and set as shown below …

And last go to the sessions and set as shown below ….

Now you can see the symbol is added...

Now you can add more Symbols….

Go to the Instrument >> Add Symbol >> Manually…

The previous setting will now be the default when you add a new symbol. You just need to add the symbol you want.

Add new symbol

Now Edit Symbol…

Go to the Settings…

Now click on sessions..

New Symbol also added…


Now Go to the File >> New >> Scanner Window..

If the Velocity is not running it will start up Automatically..

And Connect with the server

 Now data is coming…

Right click on NIFTY-I and create chart windows…

Chart will open now…

Your Multicharts is ready to go now with Velocity 2.0……

If case you need more clarifications or have any problems during the set-up, please contact us at [email protected]

Thank You and Happy Trading !!

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