How to configure Arthachitra with TrueData Velocity 2.0?

Step:-1 First open Arthachitra charting software as shown in the below image.

Step:- 2 After Arthachitra opened then click on "Settings" >> "Instruments" >> "Imports" as shown in the below image.

>> Then need to select instrument list "National Stock Exchange.txt" as shown in the below image.

>> Then once need to "Restart Arthachitra" and open again Arthachitra.

Step:- 3 After opened you need  to click on "Connection" and select "Add Edit Connection" as shown in the below image.

>> Then you need to click on "Add/Edit Connection View" as shown in the below image.

>> Then need to select "TrueData" in "New Connection View" window as shown in the below image.

>> Then need to select "TrueData" in connection type and write "TrueData" in Name as shown in the below image.

Step:- 4 After connection need to select "Settings" and select "Options" as shown in the below image.

>>After clicked on Options need to select "Connection" and put "TrueData" in all fields

as shown in the below image.

>>After followed above steps, then  select "Commission" and select "0.2 percentage" in TrueData field then click on "Close" button as shown in the below image.

>> Then again click on "Connection" and select "Available connections" then one more select "TrueData" connection as shown in the below image.

>> After clicked on "TrueData" then Arthachitra will connect with TrueData and you will get green screen from bottom side in Arthachitra as  shown in the below image.

Step:- 5 After connection need to click on "New" menu and select the "Chart" as shown in the below image.

>>After clicked on chart you will get "Open Chart View" window and need to click on "folder icon" as shown in the below image.

>> Then will open "Instrument Manager View" then write your symbol name in search bar and select your symbol as show in the below image.  

>> After selected your symbol will open the window "Open View Chart" Select "Time" in Bar Type and select "NSE-RTH" in session then click on "OK" button as shown in the below image.

>>After clicked on "OK" button then your chart will open as show in the below image.

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